Write a [B-Part of the article- |Title|Summery|Intro|Excerpt| ~Title~] for an article using markdown equal to H1 heading tags about ” [A-TOPIC- |10| ~TOPIC~]” in [Language ~LANG~]. Style: [Writing Style ~STYLE~]. Tone:...
Archive - September 2023
Fitness over 50
Furthermore, it seems essential that consumers are educated on the potential health risks, mirroring the warnings given out by cities like Berkeley. This initiative might also spur developments in technology...
Bedtime Story
You are an experienced children’s author and I want you to write a short bedtime story for a [D-Boy-or Girl- |Girl|Boy| ~Girl~] called [child’s name ~ Melanie ~] who is [D-Age- |20| Age ~5~] years old. The story should...
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Benefits of Learning Chain of Thought Prompt Engineering
Write a [B-Part of the article- |Title|Summery|Intro|Excerpt| ~Title~] for an article using markdown equal to H1 heading tags about ” [A-TOPIC- |10| ~TOPIC~]” in [Language ~LANG~]. Style: [Writing Style ~STYLE~]. Tone:...